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The goal of the Housing Opportunity Finder is to help people in Durham and Orange Counties find affordable housing in opportunity neighborhoods that help residents reach their full potential. See this page for more information on opportunity neighborhoods.
This easy-to-use, FREE housing search engine allows people look for rental housing listings by a variety of criteria and whether the housing is in an opportunity neighborhood. Housing listings display detailed unit features, building amenities, and neighborhood information.
The Housing Opportunity Finder also provides links to resources for renters and landlords, as well as information about becoming a homeowner.
The Housing Opportunity Finder was developed through a partnership between the Center for Urban and Regional Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill, Community Empowerment Fund, Durham Housing Authority, Orange County Housing Authority, Families Moving Forward, North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, MyHousingSearch.com, and the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness.
Funding for the Housing Opportunity Finder was provided by the C. Felix Harvey Award with support from Innovate Carolina.
Property owners and managers can upload and manage their property listings free of charge. Listings can include pictures, maps, and information about nearby amenities. Property owners and managers can register and manage their listings online or via phone and fax.
Renters and landlords can learn more about this site by calling the toll-free, bilingual call center at 1-877-428-8844 (available M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. EST) or emailing info@myhousingsearch.com
HousingOpportunityFinder.com is powered by Emphasys Software and supported by our toll-free call center.